Melbourne Accounting & Tax Specialists


We provide peace of mind for you and your business by delivering Taxation, Accounting and Bookkeeping services to Primary Producers in Melbourne.

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Are you a Primary Producer?

We are experienced in all aspects of primary producers

Primary producers are the backbone of the regional and rural economy. Recognising the unique economic, environmental and climate issues faced by primary producers, a number of unique tax concessions have evolved that apply only to primary industries.

Very few businesses are as susceptible to economic fluctuations and the environment like farmers. At Melbourne Tax Accountants Tax Accounting Services we offer you a complete range of accounting, tax and financial services tailored to your needs.

We understand how tough it is to run a farm. Just like other business owners you have to contend with issues like finance and GST compliance but in most cases you also have to deal with long hours, seasonal demand, the climate and safety issues with machinery and equipment. If you work with livestock like cattle, sheep, chickens or even seafood you face some unique challenges. Farmers who produce wheat, grain, fruit and vegetables also have to deal with a host of issues including politics, prices, pollution and interest rates. Australia’s decade of drought and subsequent floods just highlight the variables and obstacles farmers face.

At Melbourne Tax Accountants we have the expertise and knowledge to know that primary producers have a myriad of complex, detailed legal and financial needs.

What is a Primary Producer?

A primary producer is an individual, trust or company carrying on a primary production business and this includes activities such as plant and animal cultivation, fishing and pearling, tree farming and felling. We understand that there is a smorgasbord of legal, financial and accounting issues to deal with, for primary producers.

This includes but is not limited to dealing with employees, suppliers, wholesalers, labelling, distribution, zoning and environment law to name a few. There are also compliance requirements with the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and industry bodies such as Horticulture Australia (HAL), to ensure that you are dealing with consumers and other parties in an ethical and legal manner.

Farming can be challenging enough, particularly if you do not have the right partner in your business.

At Melbourne Tax Accountants, we understand accounting for primary producers and the needs of farmers and the complexities of primary production - we have been working alongside clients involved in grazing and cropping for many years.

Farm accounting is a specialist area and our experience enables us to provide you with information on concessions and assistance available through the taxation system and other government departments.


Our services include all aspects of tax accounting and planning, pre-30 June reviews, tax cost minimisation strategies, capital gains tax record keeping, BAS and IAS requirements, and cloud bookkeeping services. We will make sure you comply with all statutory requirements at both state and federal levels – it is our job, not yours, to keep up with all the legislation.


Let Melbourne Tax Accountants, we take care of your XERO and MYOB bookkeeping needs while you focus on growing your business! We offer bookkeeping services for small businesses in all the major suburbs in Melbourne. We will take care of your books while you focus on making more sales for your small business. Check out our accounting solutions and see which suits your needs.


We ensure that you are structured in the most tax-effective manner so that you can be confident that you are paying the least amount of tax possible. Legally minimising the amount of tax payable is strongly dependent on having the appropriate structure in place so that you can apply the funds towards growing a sustainable business.

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Tax Advice for Primary Producers

We are experienced in all aspects of primary producers including farm management and can assist you in a number of areas including cash flow and profit budgeting, farm business planning, finance applications and farm purchase feasibility services.

Given most farming pursuits are multi-generational we work with our clients with an eye on the future. Business structures are crucial while planning and cash flow forecasts are essential. Apart from assisting our farming clients with the usual compliance and bookkeeping work we also provide financial modelling services to assess ‘what if’ scenarios. We can help you produce cash flows, finance submissions and also help you with financing land and machinery purchases.

Melbourne Tax Accountants Tax Accountants can offer many accountant services to our primary production clients, including:

  • Farm Business Planning
  • Cash Flow And Profit Budgeting
  • Succession/Estate Planning
  • Finance Applications - We can work with you to assess your finance requirements to provide you with maximum protection and flexibility
  • Finance for Vehicles and Farm Equipment - Hire Purchase, Lease, Bill of Sale or Chattel Mortgage
  • Start-Up Advice
  • Advice regarding the Purchase or Sale of your Farm including Capital Gains Tax Issues
  • Tax Registrations including ABN, TFN, GST, WorkCover etc.
  • Preparation of Business Plans, Cash Flow Forecasts and Profit Projections
  • Accounting Software Selection and Training – Bookkeeping, Invoicing & Payroll
  • Preparation and Analysis of Financial Statements
  • Preparation of Finance Applications
  • Bookkeeping and Payroll Services
  • Tax Planning Strategies
  • Wealth Creation Strategies and Financial Planning Services
  • Industry Benchmarking and KPI Management
  • Advice regarding Claiming Motor Vehicle Expenses
  • Recession Survival Strategies
  • Advice regarding Employee Relations and Workplace Laws
  • Business & Risk Insurances (Income Protection, Life Insurance etc.)
  • Business Succession Planning

Individual accounting services, wealth strategy, insurance, and financial management. Prepare and lodge your tax return with Melbourne Tax Accountants, a registered tax agent in Melbourne. Let us do the hard work, with professional advice and ensuring maximum refund and paying minimum tax.

Are you already operating or considering starting a business as a sole trader? Melbourne Tax Accountants can help as we are a 'one-stop-shop' for accounting services and tax advice for sole traders and small businesses.

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Professional Services

Providing accounting, tax and business advisory to professional services industries comes naturally to Melbourne Tax Accountants. We have a large clientele of professional services clients who seek advice and knowledge specific to their industry.

Suppliers, importers, large chain stores, changing demographics, and new sales channels all just some of the current challenges for the retail industry. We help retailers find solutions to these kinds of challenges.


We are very strong on the concept of ‘beginning with the end in mind’

..for that reason we make sure our farming clients have the right business structure, management and succession planning in place. The wrong choice is almost impossible to unravel without significant financial, tax, legal and capital gains tax implications. When assessing structures we also take into account issues including asset protection, your family situation, profit forecasts and future plans to admit new partners.

As accountants we can project your best and worst case profit scenarios based on the price of your produce and by adjusting the key variables including price and various inputs like feed and seed, we can evaluate the impact on profit and cash flow. We can also assist you with farm viability assessments, farm risk management and strategic business plans.

Business Advisory

Building and maintaining a successful business in today’s rapidly changing environment is a balancing act. Sustaining year on year growth, while keeping up to date with commercial and legislative compliance and managing the challenges of daily business operations, places huge demands on business owners and directors.

Our specialist advisors work with you in a role to help you plan and implement contemporary business practices that will allow you to keep a close eye on the detail while not losing sight of the big picture.

Our Self Managed Super administration service can help you achieve the benefits of an SMSF by taking care of the administration and compliance of your SMSF, creating free time for you to focus on the critical job of managing the investments of your fund.

With a self-managed super fund, you are in charge of your super and where it is invested, plus you manage those investments yourself.

bookkeeping calculation of ato tax

Financial Advisory

At Hillyer, Richeswe provides comprehensive financial advice to our clients with an enthusiastic and proactive approach. Our strong team of experienced professionals will work with you towards identifying valuable solutions on how best to achieve your goals. Melbourne Tax Accountants is a Melbourne based Chartered Accounting firm offering timely and cost-effective services to both individuals and businesses. We consist of a team of accountants and business consultants dedicated to providing the highest quality accounting, taxation, bookkeeping, and business advisory services.

There are lots of tax rules you should know about if you’re a farmer, some of them specific to primary producers.

Melbourne Tax Accountants Tax Accounting Services can help you work out which ones apply to you. Here’s a summary of the key points for primary producers:

  • Company tax rate for most businesses with a turnover up to $50 million is now 27.5%.
  • Instant write off for cost of capital assets costing less than $30,000 for businesses with turnover of less than $50m from 2 April 2019 until 30 June 2020 (lower thresholds apply for assets acquired before 2 April 2019 and the instant write-off is only available for businesses with a turnover of less than $10m up to that date).
  • Instant write-off on fencing and water facilities, such as dams, tanks, bores, irrigation channels, pumps, water towers and windmills.
  • Immediate deduction for capital expenditure on fodder storage assets such as silos and tanks used to store grain and other animal feed.
  • Change business structure without capital gains tax, e.g. partnership to company.
  • Income averaging. Primary producers can even out income across years so their tax liability is more aligned with taxpayers on a stable income.
  • Immediate deductions for landcare operations, such as drainage work to prevent salinity, erosion control activities or erecting fences.
  • Ten-year write-off for electricity connections and telephone lines.
  • Deferral of profit on the forced disposal or death of livestock, for example sale due to drought, fire or flood.
  • Accelerated deduction for horticultural plants, including immediate deductibility for plants with an effective life of less than three years (including some grapevines).
  • Spread tax on assessable insurance recoveries in equal installments over five years.
  • If you are hit by fire, flood or drought, and need to undertake an early sheep shearing and therefore sell two wool clips in one income year, you can elect to defer the profit on sale of the second clip to the following year.

Since its inception, Melbourne Tax Accountants has been at the forefront of tax and accounting, providing a broad range of services to local businesses in Melbourne. We offer Individual Tax Returns, Business Taxation and Accounting, Financial Planning, Self Managed Superannuation Funds, and Bookkeeping services.

Melbourne Tax Accountants understand Doctors and Healthcare professionals require specialist attention. Our team of experts offers friendly, industry-leading advice relating to tax, GST and compliance that will maximise your return, addressing all your financial requirements.

We have extensive experience in servicing the manufacturing industry, including the provision of accounting, information technology, and audit services, and regular periodic management reporting. Supplemented with more detailed financial analysis, this lies at the heart of astute commercial decision making.

Melbourne Tax Accountants Tax Accountants in Melbourne also specialise in helping small businesses to achieve great things. Whether you run a bar, restaurant or coffee cart, our accountants are here to offer an extensive range of accounting support services for your hospitality business.

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Doing accounting for primary producers is much more complex than it is for most small, city businesses.

It calls for industry knowledge and familiarity with thousands of pages of taxation law – much of it changing year-to-year – that governs the tax credits and requirements that are critical to primary producers.

Our accountants have worked with graziers, landowners, various agriculturists and fishers for years. They understand the special blends of costs, depreciation, seasonality, market shifts and commodity price fluctuations that make primary production a challenging AND rewarding venture.

Discuss your business accounting needs with Melbourne Tax Accountants today!


We have extensive experience in financial services for medium-sized trade businesses. The services we offer are all aimed at doing what really matters – ensuring your financial growth and freeing up your time so that you can enjoy life. 

We understand what farmers require to effectively manage the finances of their farming operations. We have been a leading provider of business and financial advice, taxation, and accounting services to Primary Producers and the rural sector for more than 30 years. Enquire today to find out how we can help you with your farm.

Our experience and relationship with franchise groups give us real-time insight into franchise systems and their performance. We provide franchises with business, taxation and accounting services. We can also act as consultants to the head franchisors in setting up cloud accounting & business and structures.

At Melbourne Tax Accountants, our specialist property tax accountants in Melbourne are renowned for their property tax accounting services for property investors. Our property tax accounting and tax advice extend to the various estate planning factors including ownership and control of assets.

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